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Assistant Principal

Assistant Principal

Hello Loma Vista families,

Education can lead students in many different directions towards their emotional, social, and academic growth. This guides my work in helping students during their developmental stages as they become lifelong learners.

At Loma Vista, we want to help students develop emotional intelligence, leadership skills, and the ability to make their own decisions. This will help them develop discipline, habits, and motivation in their areas of interest.

We can do this by providing students and teachers with a positive learning environment where everyone can share their ideas, be challenged in different ways, and learn from their mistakes. This will help them develop a beginner's mindset and the courage to try new things in the future.

When we work together as a community, we can have high expectations for all students and teachers. This will help everyone improve their learning and confidence daily, in all aspects of life.

I hope to help develop a positive and engaging culture at Loma Vista where parents, students, and staff feel like they are part of a great future for all students. Let's leave a legacy in every student that will shape their future.


Mr. Landin 

Assistant Principal

Phone: (951) 358-1685
